sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010

Organizational Behavior + National and organizational culture

Organizational Behavior and Opportunity.
International Management and culture

Organizational behavior is individual behavior and group dynamics in organizations, that are related with the pychosocial,interpersonal and behavioral dynamics. It is affected by differents variables such culture, the design of work communication, performance appraisal,organizational design and organizational structure.
Primary to understand organizational behavior is necessary the understanding of human behavior and the organizational context.
Human behavior is influenced by internal and external perpective, the internal considers factors inside the person such thoughts,feelings, past experience and needs. and the external is focus on external eyents, consequences of behavior and the environmental forces to which a person is subject. So the external perspective implies that person´s behavior is best understood by examining the surrounding external events and environmental forces. Also the sciences of psychology(workmotivation), sociology (knowledge about group and intergroup dynamics) engineering( understanding of the design of work) anthropology(understading organizational cultura),management ( overseeing activities and supervising people in organizations) and medicine( healing or treatment of diseases to enhance an individual,s health and well – being) contribute to understand human behavior in organizations.
The factors mencioned affect the human behavior but talking in a general way also exist diferents aspect that influence decisión making within organization like : organizational strategy, history,resources,policies, systems, organizational culture,competitors, suppliers,technology,national culture,religión etc.
In the other hand to understand organizational behavior is necessary to comprehend the organizational context, so organizations are open systems of interacting components which are people(human resources), tasks (missions,purpose,goals) technology (tools, knowledge used to transform the inputs into outputs) and structure(systems of communication,authority and workflow). These internal components also ineract with components in the organization´s task environment such suppliers,customers and federal regulators. So as organization is a open system is neccesary that in every decisión you going to take is important to have in mind the culture and know that diferents social groups have different cultures and those groups may respond to similar situations in differents ways and also you need to have clear that culure include systems of values,beliefs that influence in people how they should behave and do behave.
When we talk about organization we can take two point of view the formal and the informal way, the formal organization is the oficial,legitímate,and most visible part that enables people to think of organizations in logical and rational ways, and the informal elements are beliefs,percepction,values,feelings,group norms that make a diference in people´s behavior and performance.
Change is often experienced as a threat that a leads to a reliance on well- learned and dominat forms of behavior, those changes can creates opportunities and risk, but a good way to respond positively in times of change is that you need to have positive attitude, ask questions, listen ti answers and be committed to sucess. Also another elements that have effect on people and their behavior in work is the corporate and global competition becoming more customers focused and managers developing challenges related to change in organizations: globalization,workforce diversity and ethics. And the last things that you have to take into account when you are learning about organizational behavior are: Mastery of basic objective knowledge, development of skills and abilities and the applied of both in real world settings.
To conclude we can said that managers must consider personal and environmental factors, and also to know how cultura can influence in decisions making to understand how people behave in organizations and to help them reach their máximum potential.

Find and explain 2 real life examples about the business implications of national and organizational culture.

Mc Donald´s case.
McDonald's Corporation is the world's largest chain of hamburger fast food restaurants , serving more than 58 million customers daily.(1)
This company when wants to enter in a new market, evaluate very well all the aspect that could affect their business, the main factor that they take in mind it´s the culture.so McDonald’s has continually adapt to the customer’s tastes, value systems, lifestyle, language and perception.
So iam going to analysis the entering of this company to India.
From indian people the most relevant aspect or influencing in the way that they behave is the religion, so Mc donalds to survive in this market had to be responsive to the indian sensitivities, Knowing that indian people don´t eat beef or pork they made some changes in theirs menus and came up with chicken, lamb and fish burgers to suite the Indian palate.
India is the only country where McDonalds serve vegetarian menu.
So analyzing this case we can said that each company has to take into account the national culture from settling in a new market.

Almacenes Exito.
Another example of the aplication of national culture is the  change of the exito imagen, the main reason for this company or supermarket to renovate, modify the corporate imagen was a respond of a neccesity, Because Exito wanted to enter to a new market, so they were under the obligation to put an imagen that would satisfy expectations of consumers, and  that brand needed to be more  adapatable to  some similarities that were implicited in some cultural aspects, in this order of ideas companies have to analyse the national culture of the markets where it operates.
Do you think there is a corporate culture in every organisation? It´s Possible to Modified?

Organizational culture is an idea in the field of Organizational Studies and management which describes the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values (personal and cultural values) of an organization. It has been defined as "the specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organization and that control the way they interact with each other and with Stakeholders outside the organization.(2)
Understanding what´s organizational culture and its implications we can affirm that every organization has its own culture that is aligned with the mission and goals of the company.that why the employees has to accomplish or behave in a certain way to achieve goals. Also organization have their history, experiences,expertise, structure and so forth that could influence or determine an specific work enviroment, so each company build its own culture.
As we mencioned in the summary, organizational culture is influenced by the human behavior and the context of the organization, so i think it possible to modified the corporate culture spite that it is aligned to the objetives or the misión because in a certain way the employees are the essence of a sucessful company, that why is very important that the executive must motívate, stimulate and encourage them.
Today more than ever we can show that corporate culture changes, because we are in a globalized age which means that any company that wants to be competitive must make changes in its own structure, functioning,behavior, and they must adapted to enviromental changes so thats why they must implement strategies,its employees should behave in a certain way, to be aceptable in the market.
In conclusión, All the Organization has its own culture,that is influenced by the values, beliefs and so on, which could develop organizational norms, guidelines, that describe appropriate kinds of behavior by employees in particular situations and control the behavior of organizational members towards one another.

•Nelson, D.L. & Quick, J.C. 2010. Organizational Behavior: Science, The Real World and You. South-Western College Publication, 7th. Ed. Chapter 1.
•Mead, Richard. 2004. International Management: Cross-Cultural Dimensions London: Blackwell Publishing. Chapter 1.
•(1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/McDonald's
•(2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organizational_culture

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